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We Give Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Capital

To Achieve Any Dream That Can Be Imagined!


Anthony (Ant30) Jones, the owner of The Next Generation LLC, was born and raised in Athens, Georgia. At one point, his credit score dropped low into the 400's. Devastated of the catastrophe, he realized that he needed to find a way to fast-track the loss. Ant30 found that credit was the key to everything. He invested thousands of dollars to get his credit score high past 750.

During the process, he was able to make connections with influential people of high status. This helped him gain the knowledge on how to obtain over 500,000 dollars worth of capital. Ant30's mission is to help others avoid the same trouble he experienced to get maximum access to funding and immediately expand business ventures.


Anthony (Ant30) Jones, the owner of The Next Generation LLC, was born and raised in Athens, Georgia. At one point, his credit score dropped low into the 400's. Devastated of the catastrophe, he realized that he needed to find a way to fast-track the loss. Ant30 found that credit was the key to everything. He invested thousands of dollars to get his credit score high past 750.

During the process, he was able to make connections with influential people of high status. This helped him gain the knowledge on how to obtain over 500,000 dollars worth of capital. Ant30's mission is to help others avoid the same trouble he experienced to get maximum access to funding and immediately expand business ventures.

Disclaimer: Sales results listed above or in my marketing material are not typical and are a result of hard work, training, experimenting, and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as example. THE NEXT GENERATION LLC are not a party of or Facebook Inc. Additionally, THE NEXT GENERATION LLC are not endorsed by Facebook Inc. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook Inc.

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